
Showing posts from December, 2019

1st Semester Reflection

   I think I did a good job during the first semester of photo 1. I think I should have been more creative with my subjects during the assignments. I did fulfill each assignments requirements. I think that I could have done more to enhance the original photos. During the photoshoots, I should have been more aware of elements like lighting. I did complete all of my assignments on time.    I shouldn't have procrastinated as long as I did on photo assignments. While taking photos I did look for more convenient locations. I put in a little effort and discussed all my ideas with Macy to see if there would be anything else I could add. I did try to avoid ideas that seemed difficult.    I was always early to class, but could have been more useful with my time during class. I worked independently unless I needed help with a step in an assignment. Throughout this semester I think I have improved technically. I am more confident when turning in an assignment and I think my assignments ar



Gottfried Helnwein Response Part 2

The new viewpoint of the image drastically changes my interpretation of the image. You can now clearly tell that he is painting the image and not photoshopped. Now it shows a picture of a girl with green eyes, and a man trying to paint her. The image looks continuous instead of being painted in sections, however you cannot really tell. I think that the image is located in both a rural and urban location. Like on a bridge going out of the city and into the country. I think the intended audience is city folks. Their lives are so busy that they need to just take a moment and enjoy things, like a beautiful painting.The girl's expression is melancholy. I think that the title represents the fact that she is lonely and sad.

Space Project


Gottfried Helnwein Response Part 1

This is a picture of someone rock climbing. However, instead of being on a mountain, they are climbing someone's face. I think that this image was photoshopped. I think that the designer was trying to show hard it can be to understand people. How it can be very challenging (like rock climbing). The scale difference make me think that the image was photoshopped.