"Are you Lost in a World Like Me?" Questions

"Are You Lost in a World Like Me?" Questions

1- The general premise of the video is that people are too focused on technology and don't realize that it is consuming their lives. The video shows civilization blindly following the rest of society while only being interested in their social media likes/followers.

2- The video is effective in conveying the general message. It makes the viewer think about their technology activity, and question how/why society turned into this negative environment.

3- I think the video provides examples for being a warning to society and an expression of what today's civilization has turned into overtime. That's why the video is so strong, because it emphasizes peoples true character, and takes it to another level of what that can become over time. I choose to believe that people are not as heartless as presented in the video. However, the public today is exceptionally attached to their phones and social media accounts. The world is more focused on their number of followers than events that are taking place in front of them. News today is experienced through technology, instead of being participated with during the moment.


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