What Art? Part One Response

1. The mood of the images is tense and angry. In both of the images, she is by herself and in the first one looks like she may be looking for someone/something. They are also tense through their brush strokes, each one is thick and heavy. The models expressions look angry/tense through their posture and expressions too. However, the second models posture is slightly more casual than the first one's.

2. I think these images were created using oil based pastels. Oil pastels create a heavier look, similar to the ones presented.

3. Color always plays a role in an image, even when there is lack of color. The mood is definitely accentuated with color. It causes the images to look more dramatic.

4. I think the artist intended to convey feelings of anger. They are trying to evoke strong feelings of anger. I think the artist was successful with their attempt to convey anger through these images.


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